- President
- The president shall direct and coordinate the affairs of the Society. He /she shall preside at all meetings of the Society and of the Executive Council, and shall perform such duties as may be directed by Council.
- The president shall perform those duties customarily associated with the position and as enumerated in the parliamentary authority except when defined otherwise in the bylaws.
- The president shall nominate members and chairpersons of standing and special committees, with said nominations subject to approval by Executive Council.
- The president shall nominate a member to the position of editor of The Primary Source and said nomination shall be subject to approval by Executive Council.
- The president shall call a minimum of four (4) meetings of the Executive Council yearly.
- The president shall prepare and submit an annual report of his/her activities and the activities and state of the Society during his/her term of office. The report shall be presented to the membership at the annual business meeting of the Society.
- Vice-President
- The vice-president shall perform the duties of the president in case the president is absent or incapacitated, and, in case of a vacancy in the presidency, he/she shall assume that office and hold it for the remainder of the term.
- The vice-president shall perform those duties customarily associated with the position and as enumerated in the parliamentary authority except when defined otherwise in these bylaws.
- The vice-president shall serve as the Chair of the Education Committee.
3. Secretary-Treasurer
a. The secretary-treasurer shall keep the minutes of Society and Executive Council meetings.
b. The secretary-treasurer shall have custody of all monies belonging to the Society; and shall expend Society funds only upon authority of the Executive Council.
c. The secretary-treasurer shall keep an accurate accounting of society revenues and expenditures, and report on the financial condition of the Society at Executive Council meetings.
d. The secretary-treasurer shall report the yearly financial activities and current condition of the Society finances in a report submitted to the membership at the annual business meeting of the Society.
4. Directors
a. Directors shall serve as the elected representatives of the Society and shall assume those duties usually associated with such positions and enumerated in the parliamentary authority except when defined otherwise by these bylaws.
b. Failure to attend two (2) consecutive meetings of the Executive Council may result in removal by Council.
1. The president shall nominate and Executive Council shall approve a nominating committee of three members. No more than one member of the committee may be a member of the Executive Council.
2. The committee’s recommended nominees for directors and the offices of vice-president and secretary-treasurer shall be posted on the Society’s web-site or mailed to the membership with the notice of the annual business meeting or published in the issue of The Primary Source immediately preceding the annual business meeting.
3. Elections will take place at the annual business meeting of the Society.
4. Additional nominations may be made from the floor by any member of the Society.
5. Officers and Executive Council Members shall be elected by a majority of votes cast by the membership present and voting at the annual business meeting.
6. Officers and Executive Council Members shall assume their duties at the conclusion of the annual business meeting at which they were elected.
1. The Society membership year shall run from January to December.
2. Categories of membership and membership dues shall be: Regular membership, $10.00; Institutional Membership, $25.00 or more; Student Membership, $5.00.
3. Should an individual or institution enroll as a member at any time within the term of the Society membership year, they will be entitled to receive any benefits or publications offered within the term of the Society membership year.
4. Annual dues are payable in advance. Any members failing to pay dues within two months of the beginning of the membership year may be considered delinquent. Delinquent members may be dropped from membership rolls thirty (30) days after being notified of their delinquent status.
1. Standing committees of the Society shall be comprised of at least (3) members, including the chairperson, and shall be nominated by the president and approved by the Executive council. Standing committees of the Society shall consist of:
a . EDUCATION COMMITTEE, which is responsible for planning and conducting the Society’s education programs and annual meetings. The Society’s vice-president will serve as chairperson of the committee.
b. MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE, which is responsible for retaining membership records, soliciting new members, administering the membership renewal process, and preparing a membership directory.
c. NOMINATING COMMITTEE, which is responsible for selecting and recommending a slate of officers which will be voted upon by membership at the annual business meeting. Not more than one member of the nominating committee may be a member of the Executive Council.
d. PUBLICATIONS COMMITTEE, which has responsibility for developing and publishing Society publications.
e. FINANCE COMMITTEE, which has responsibility for recommending a budget and coordinating fund raising activities for the Society.
f. WEB COMMITTEE. which has the responsibility for maintaining the Society’s Internet site.
2. Special committees shall be created by the Executive Council when the need arises. Membership of special committees will be constituted in the same manner as standing committees.
3. All committees shall report on their activities at least once a year. Reports shall be made to Executive Council and membership at the annual business meeting.
4. Membership of standing and special committees shall be published annually on the Society’s Internet site and in The Primary Source.
The Society shall prepare and distribute a quarterly publication entitled The Primary Source. Responsibility for preparation of The Primary Source will be vested in an editor appointed by the President of the Society. The editor shall be a member of the Publications committee.
Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern proceedings of the Society, except as otherwise provided for in the constitution, bylaws, and special rules of the Society.
Current officers of the Society shall be custodians of the current year and one previous year’s records of the Society. Other official records and archives of the Society shall be housed and maintained by the Mississippi Department of Archives and History.